CARBONDALE – The City of Carbondale will host its annual Memorial Day Service at Woodlawn Cemetery to honor the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending our nation. It will take place Monday, May 29 at 10 a.m.
The Carbondale Police Department Honor Guard will begin the service by raising the flag. Then, Company C of the 31st Illinois Volunteer Infantry will perform the rifle salute. The service will be led by Mayor Carolin Harvey, and the Memorial Day Address will be given by Lieutenant Colonel Jessica H. Dwyer, Commander for Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Detachment 205, at Southern Illinois University.
Chairs will be set up for the service, so if you are planning to attend, you don’t need to bring lawn chairs unless you want to.
Immediately following the service, there will be a self-guided walking tour through historic Woodlawn Cemetery, marked by brief biographies of some of the notable veterans displayed near their headstones.